
Showing posts from April, 2022


                           SEEE GVPCE(A) ORIENTATION SESSION SEEE GVPCE(A) - Society of EEE has endeavored many success stories with its remarkable performance in the college since its formation. There's a saying that "Unity is Strength". Standing right by their mottos with motivating leaders and a passion driven team is what makes SEEE.  The club's way with IEI (India) towards developing departmental activities, paving paths towards knowledge to students, providing exploring opportunities, improving self skills and prospering towards the fruits of challenge and achievement have paced with time.  SEEE GVPCE(A) (2021-2022) has set to spread its wings of opportunities across the EEE department in the college. An Orientation session was conducted by the SEEE members to give insights of the club on 27-04-22. The aim of the session was to share information about IEI (India) along with its advantages, the opportun...


Name of the Event:  #Conserve energy with SEEE Organized by : SEEE members  Event description: Wastage of energy have become habitual and common on a daily basis, either by not turning the lights off when not in use or by utilizing old and inefficient appliances that consume large amounts of energy or by not switching off the vehicle engine when the light is really long. Depletion of energy is an important indicator that needs to be considered. SEEE club of GVPCE(A) has created a platform for students and for young citizens to know the drawbacks of energy depletion and to know their responsibility and their role in energy conservation.  Participants were asked to send videos/reels of a maximum time limit of 1min stating or showing each individual's way of conserving energy.   They were asked to use their creativity and add their innovative ideas to help inspire others following them or think uniquely. The videos were posted on our Instagram page with the hashtag...