SEEE GVPCE(A)- IEI Student chapter TECHZILLA Ep-2, AUDIO PLAY FROM A FUTURE Name of the event : TECHZILLA Ep 2, FROM "A" FUTURE Organized by : SEEE Members Event Description: After significant gap from the first episode of TECHZILLA, the latter came in an edition of Audio play instead of a podcast. FROM "A" FUTURE is sci-fi fantasy audio play used as a medium to discuss various theories and paradoxes. Three most important and exciting facts discussed in the play are: 1) Time Travelling - A possibility through the theory of " Tipler Cylinder ". 2) BARGAIN - An exciting out of the world theory for high amounts of energy generation 3) Bootstrap Paradox - One of the famous time travelling paradoxes shared using an example of Shakespeare. Unlike the first episode, This audio play depicts a story , in which , 2 Young scientists named Ashok and Ankita encounters their future selves. The Future version of these brilliant minds seek help of the formers in orde...